Wednesday 10 June 2009

Trouble for Fabian Wildman

A cop showed up at our door yesterday and asked for Fabian Wildman, he said it was about the court summons he'd had a few months ago and he'd a new one for Fabian. I told him Fabian Wildman didn't live here any more and I hadn't seen him in months. The cop asked if I expected to see him again soon. I said no and told him I hadn't any contact with Fabian Wildman any more. He turned around and fucked off. Great stuff but technically I've just broken the law. I doubt the filth read my blog so I don't mind letting you know.

Anyways I sent Fabian a text in code telling him that the peelers were out looking for him. He came home after dark and jumped over the back fence.

We sat up late into the night discussing what he should do. We haven't seen the summons yet, but Fabian says that he's going down for this for sure. He says that the only thing he can do is to move again. He looked really sad when he said this and I was too. I told him he should stay put for now and that we shouldn't do anything until we see if the cop tries here again. I don't want Fabian Wildman to leave. I'd really miss him. With his crack pipe and everything. Fucking nasty police bastards.