Friday 19 June 2009

Nanny Boo Boo says Fuck the Police

I took Battle Cat down today to see Nanny Boo Boo, she was very happy to see us and said she thought we'd have been down before this.

She had lots of sausages for Battle Cat and gave him a big bowl of them with some mouldy potatoes. He was very happy to see her and ran around the garden shouting Woof! all over the show. I noticed that her garden needed weeded, so I did that for her. I know that I don't know her very well but I started to tell her all about Fabian Wildman having to move. She said that the cops were rotten bastards and she got burgled last year and the cops showed up and asked her if maybe she'd just forgot to close her door. She said,

"Yes and I forgot that I gave away my TV too."

She said she feels sorry for me and Fabian Wildman but if he moved in next door they probably would never find him.