Monday 14 June 2010

Starting a New Job

The new job wasn't as big a shock as the last time, or not in the same way. First off Kissy Boy is in my training group and Little My is already on the floor. I'm sure there's more from the last place but the biggest shock for me was that Fabian Wildman's old girlfriend Betty Blue was there too.

We did that awkward thing like neither of us spoke to each other but we didn't give each other dirty looks it was like we were both doing that "if I pretend I don't recognise them they might pretend they don't recognise me". We'll see, if any of her mates that I've bumped into are anything to go by she hates my fucking guts by proxy. It's not fair.

Training is easy peasy and we're not in the business of riping anyone off! Yeow!