Wednesday 6 January 2010

Gross Sexual Misconduct at Work

So yesterday the Dwarven Sex Pest feared the worst and brought his mum (who I'd say has been fighting his battles for him and losing them all his life, by the harrasment lines on her face). Him and her were sat in HR all morning and it turns out that he said I'd been bullying him because he 'just happened to say he had a fancy for one of the girls'. I said that this was untrue and that he infact said he wanted to comit a gross sexual act with her on the office floor. I made the words office floor sound most severe as if this were the main offence. It seemed to work, Truffle Shuffle's face wobbled in disgust. In honesty I don't mind if he wants to lick some legs, I'd lick one if it was anyone other than the Dwarven Sex Pest licking the other.