Saturday 28 February 2009

Looking for a new hobby

Already I'm hyped because I'm amped. I got up early yesterday morning and licked the bowl. I'm going to need to find a hobby in the coming weeks so I don't get lonely, what with Fabian Wildman having a job. There's only so much dog walking you can do. I think I might start going to the zoo and feeding the animals. I haven't been to Belfast Zoo in years and it'd be nice to go and hang out with all the monkeys and thank fuck one of my ancestors decided to jump down from the tree and walk upright. It's strange to think about how your parents and beyond influenced you. Like all the people who have big wonky heads because their ma's drank booze when they were in the womb.

I thought about researching my family tree but when I said this to Fabian Wildman he said that there was only so much I could find out on line, I'd need money to travel about the show so that was a big no no.

When I asked him for suggestions he gave me a funny look and said - "you could try getting a job."

Fuck me, he hasn't even started and he's already talking like a big capitalist scumbag. See if he starts catching shoplifters I'll loose all faith in humanity.

If he forgets who he is I'll play him this Neil Young song to remind him: