Tuesday 17 February 2009

In The Death Owl's House

I broke into the Death Owl's today. I went round and knocked his door and waited for hours but he never showed up.

I went round the back of the house and bust in. It was easy enough done. Houses round the Holy Lands are made out of plywood and spit.

Fabian's old room has loads of pictures pinned to the wall of him sleeping and a really freaky one of Mr Ponti, Fat Rab and The Death Owl all round his bed while he's lying sleeping. I don't know who took it. I hope to fuck it wasn't Hooka.

I bust into the Death Owl's room. There was nothing in it but a sleeping bag on the floor. A stack of old dusty books (probably grimoires) and a wardrobe.

I looked in the wardrobe and found loads of pairs of black robes in it and a spool of rope.

I turned round to see that he'd stuck loads of strips of paper above where he has his sleeping bag with all these motivational phrases like: "don't waste your time on people who don't give a shit about you", "this is the first day of the rest of your life" and, this one I had to read twice to make sure I hadn't imagined it "you'll meet a lot of dickheads in your life, but it's worth it to meet that one really special person". I felt a wee bit sorry for him. I took another look at his stack of books and saw that most of them were self help books: "Fear is the Friend of Exceptional People," "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway".

All that weird, scary satanic stuff started to make a bit more sense, and if he hadn't been such a dick to me and Fabian I might have wanted to be a bit nicer to him.

I left the house and decided to break the news to Fabian. He wasn't there. He's been staying at Betty Blue's since they got back last night.