Saturday 1 August 2009

Texas Hold'em Night

Today I'm feeling better, I didn't mind being sick yesterday because it just pissed down all day. I just sat in bed with my lemsips and played poker on facebook . I didn't realise I was so ruthless, I play a hot handed cut throat style. Fast and loose, that's my style. I don't even watch the cards. I just watch the other players. I bet aggressively in an attempt to win big, and if I lose? So what? The next big win is never far away. I'm glad though, sometimes, that it's not real money I'm playing with.

Fabian Wildman was telling me about the one's at the party. Betty Blue is going to bring a few of them over here some night soon and we'll have another party and I can show them that I'm really cool.

He said Betty Blue didn't know who the girl was (the gurl that is). He asked if I was sure I hadn't imagined her. I told him no, and asked how dare he say that about me.

He said that I did used to sit and have conversations with a daemon that wasn't really there. I told him that our daemons are always there and that one in particular has a seat in Stormont and Westminster, but I didn't want to talk about him.