Thursday 27 November 2008

I woke up last night and looked out the window. There was a big wind blowing I knew that Battle Cat must have been freezing out in the back garden. When I got down to the back door the poor wee thing was scratching at it, so I let him in. He was wagging his tail all happy once he got into the heat. I got an old wicker chair in the corner and took his blanket out of his kennel and let him curl up all snug in it. He seemed so happy. I went back to bed feeling all good about myself and woke up to find that the wee bastard had shat all over the floor. I couldn't really blame the dirty wee bugger so I cleaned it up and got him some scran.

I tried house training him, which meant spreading a newspaper in the corner and pushing Battle Cat onto it whenever he needed to take a dump. It didn't go too bad but the book I've been reading says it can take up to six months to properly house train him, so unless I sit up with him all night I can expect to find the kitchen floor covered in shit again tomorrow morning. This isn't so bad. It's a tiled floor so at least, unlike carpet, I can clean it thoroughly.

When Fabian Wildman woke up me and him had a good smoke of crack while the puppy played out in the garden. Fabian is taking his time to settle and he seems a bit more at peace now he doesn't live with The Death Owl. I'll leave it a while yet but when Battle Cat starts getting bigger I want to ask Fabian for a photo of The Death Owl because I want to stick it on a mannequin and teach Battle Cat to attack it. That way whenever he meets The Death Owl he'll know what to do.