Sunday 2 May 2010

A Victory for The Ugly Ones

Last night I wanted to have a word with Hot Baby Roy about us not doing crack anymore but he was all happy about hitting Rock and Roll Stephen. I didn't want to spoil it but then he was talking about getting a nice bit of crack for us to celebrate with.

"Why did you nut him in the face?" I asked.

"He was threatening me with muscle," Hot Baby Roy said.

"Yeah but he doesn't know muscle. And if you'd arrived earlier you'd have heard that he's not getting anywhere with The Raven Princess Spandex either."

"A load of balls, Rock and Roll Stephen is the sort of guy who always gets girls. I'm the sort of guy that girls always say 'I like you as a friend' then they sit and bitch to me when the guys they do like fuck them over, fuck that. I didn't just nut him for what he said. I nutted him for who he is, and who I've had to be all these years."

He sounded like he was getting all hysterical and I told him that I'd go round and speak to her in the morning because it sounds like she's leading the pair of them on. It's not on.