Sunday 11 April 2010

Winning a Bet with Semantics

I'm learning more about Hot Baby Roy recently. Last night when we were in the city centre we saw this fat punk with big spikey hair. I said that he probably did it with sugar water and Hot Baby Roy told me it was probably soap. He says he used to be a punk, which I found hard to believe because even the weakest punks can fight and that's one thing he can't do.

I told him that I didn't believe him so he bet me the last of the Birdseye(tm) Waffles that it was soap.

I was confident that they were mine.

Hot Baby Roy tapped the fat punk on the shoulder and said:

"Excuse me, we have a bet on for waffles, could you tell me if you do your spikey hair with sugar water or soap?"

"I used SPUNK" the fat punk said making a wanker sign.

"Are you sure it isn't soap?" Hot Baby Roy said.

"Naw, spunk," he said.

"That must take you ages in the morning," Hot Baby Roy said and the fat punk thought he was taking the piss and was going to fight him but Hot Baby Roy made some cool secret punk signal (kind of like what the masons do when they're in court and don't want to go down for something) and the fat punk walked off all cool with me and Hot Baby Roy.

Hot Baby Roy felt cool for about five minutes until I reminded him that the fat punk had to say soap or the waffles were mine. He was so upset and scared of starving but I gave him half of one (one and a half for me) a result.