Monday 26 April 2010

Fighting The War With Amazon Porn

I'm not back on crack, at least I don't see myself as a crack smoker, and that's the main thing. I read something on stopping smoking that said the most important thing to do was to change your self image from smoker to non-smoker. So I'm sticking with that. I'm not a crackhead, not again.

I'm just walking down memory lane and seeing a few old faces and finding out that it was right that we stopped hanging out. Zim Van Bindle is a scatty fucker. He's seriously all over the place and tries to present his weird wee head as some mystic shaman for the neon streetlight generation (his fucking words). He talks about building a warrior igloo but putting food colouring in the ice so that he can build a rainbow igloo to show that his part in the war is reactionary and not aggressive.

Then he asked if he could come to my house and suft amazon porn on the net.