Tuesday 8 September 2009

Shoplifting in Belfast

I'm just back into the house now with my bag of goodies. I went in the city centre this morning to get a present for Fabian's leaving. I started by shoplifting a copy of Catcher in the Rye that I promised someone I'd read. I thought while I was doing it that it seemed like something a teenage rebel would do so I felt very cool about that.

I haven't started it yet but I've heard all sorts of stories about it making people want to assassinate famous people, like the dude who shot John Lennon. I watched a movie about him once (or started to) but it just seemed like this fat asshole walking about being a cock so I didn't watch the rest.

Then I had to get moving because I wanted to get a good present for Fabian. I'll be sad to see him go because he's been a good housemate, and we've both looked out for each other and had a lot of laughs. He has most stuff that he needs for the house so I decided to steal him a book on 20th Century Art, just so he'll know what all the arty peeps he's living with are talking about.

I think Fabian's wanting Hot Baby Roy to move in and though I like him fine I don't want to live with him because the place will just turn creepy and to be honest I've seen Battle Cat looking at him sometimes like he's going to pounce. Hot Baby Roy doesn't deserve that but Battle Cat's his own dog!

Finally I stole a couple of bottles of wine and Doritos (cool original flavour) and dip.

Tonight's gonna rock like a smoking hot screaming wild sweaty metal guitar solo!