Sunday 19 July 2009

Fabian Opens Up Doors for my Heart

Me and Fabian Wildman were talking about him moving out over the past few days and much as I think he's in the clear he says that he's heard knocks at the door when I've been out and he didn't answer because he didn't want hauled off to jail. He has every intention of staying free just like Braveheart.

We went on Daft and Gumtree and we've viewings lined up this week for Florencville Avenue, Dunluce Avenue, Camden St, Candahar St and Cairo St.

Fabian Wildman wants me to come and view the houses with him. I'm looking forward to it. I hope he moves in with a sexy girl. Cos he's with Betty Blue and I can call round and if he's not there I'll say I'll hang about til he gets home then I'll letch on her and we'll fall in love.

Speaking of Betty Blue he's got her a voucher for a sexy spa where he says they'll sort her bush out. Two birds with one stone he keeps saying. He's very methodical when he's off the crack.