Wednesday 29 July 2009

The party wasn't as cool as I'd thought

Turns out after thinking I had rock and rolled all night and been super cool that people at the party are calling me a spide. It's all because I threatened to hit that guy who was drawing on my face. Now here's what happened in detail:

I wake up on the couch,

dickhead is drawing on my face.

I grab him by the front of his shirt and put my fist up close to his face.

I say: "If you're still here when I get back from washing my face, there will be trouble."

I leave to go and wash my face and you know the rest about meeting the cool gurl.

Now Betty Blue told us last night that this is the way it's being told by some of the dicks at the party.

That I punched the guy in the face and chipped his tooth. Then I gave him a chinese burn on the leg and he's been walking with a limp ever since.

What a gang of mutherfuckers.

Betty Blue says that she knows I didn't hit him but that the guy is well liked as a practical joker and often gets into bad situations when pissed and that his mates are very protective of him. Fabian Wildman said to me that it's a shame because he knew I was excited about how cool the party had been but violence is the one thing that lot can't tolerate. They've learned other ways of fucking people over. Do it to each other regularly.

Turns out Hot Baby Roy got on great by using the "Ghost" line:

Namely, he says that Ghost is his favourite movie because he loves the bit where they fanny around with the pottery. Liar.