Saturday 18 April 2009

No Way, No Way

This has to be the worst song I've ever heard, and I quite liked it when it was the Muppets' theme. Anyway, I had forgotten about this almost (it was always there, or had just finished, when I woke shivering on cold nights and I would have worked it out if I hadn't been scrambling to work out where I was). I came home last night from a smokin' hot jam with my sweaty metal band when I found that Fabian Wildman had thrown a party and invited the cast of the video along (I'm not sure if it was the real cast but it looked like them).

I often wonder what's happened to him, whatever happened to the Fabian that ate boiled eggs out of Betty Blue's pussy? Back to my Doctor Who analogy for Fabian Wildman because I think this sums him up. He's like when Paul McGann did the TV Movie. You could tell at the heart of it all he was the right guy and he was very much in the right place but everything else about it stank. So yeah, I want Fabian to be cool and fearless again and not moping around on crack with this skanky bunch.