Friday 24 April 2009

Fabian is coming off crack again

I've been lying round the house, thinking of getting the old leotard back on, Fabian Wildman has bee rolling around in his zentai all day because he ran out of crack. He melted the front of one yesterday because he was sliding so much around the house, there's a big bit of melted carpet in the hall.

He keeps saying all this mad shit about how "Al Pacino is coming back, back through the flames" he flickers his tongue when he says flame. I wish he'd fuck up because it was funny for five minutes, now it's just creeping me out. He keeps breaking Al Pacino's name down and just parts of it. He just let a gigantic howl out of him and I thought something was wrong but when I went to see what it was he was just doing the crab and giggling all gleeful like a dog who's licked its own balls.