Monday 20 April 2009

Hot Fun in the Sunshine

I took Battle Cat for a walk down the Lagan Meadows today, Fabian Wildman came with us. It was nice just hanging out the three of us like the old days. It made me think about how lonely I used to be and how I'm not any more and Fabian and Battle Cat were the start of it ending. Though part of me is questioning how that's changing. Battle Cat was bought to eat The Death Owl but now we never see him and even if we did I wouldn't want Battle Cat to eat anyone. Fabian used to be really cool then he became a yuppie, then a racist, now he's a crackhead again but he seems so much sadder than before, like he thought when he quit everything else would start working, but he's tried that and now he's decided to settle for being a crack head.

I didn't say any of this. I bought me and Fabian Wildman a twelve pack. We walked down about half way to Shaw's Bridge and sat guzzling them in the grass and sun. After we'd finished Fabian pulled out the crack pipe but I told him if he smoked that I wasn't carrying him home. I thought he was going to spark it up but he put it back in his pocket.

"It'll keep till later," he said.

Like so many things, I thought.