Saturday 4 September 2010

drinking your own urine to survive

I went down to Nanny Boo Boo's last night and brought Battle Cat and bottles of wine. We got very trashed and I told her all about my romance with The Punchbowl Girl and she said that she sounds a bit loopy but she likes that I'm happy with her and I'll have to bring her for a visit.

She said she could throw a party and I could invite Fabian Wildman's ex-girlfriend too but tell her to leave her new boyfriend at home. I didn't want to tell her that I barely speak

I asked her why I hadn't seen Fabian Wildman since I saved his ass. She said he was embarrassed about the whole thing and even worse he had to go to casualty because he was feeling sick and had was looking all yellow. The did a blood test and said that he had too many toxins in him that you get from your pee. He made up some excuse about drinking a bottle of wine someone had left out on the street and that he thought it had tasted of piss. I'd have just told them the truth or half of it.

The whole thing made him catch himself on something serious and now he's out staying in a shack in the countryside to get clean. Hopefully he'll manage it this time.