Tuesday 3 March 2009

I believe that you heard your master sing, while I was sick in bed

I've been lying around the house today. I woke up with that bloody cold that's been doing the rounds. I'm in bed streaming movies and the like. I've been catching up with the guys and gals of Heroes. I'd sort of lost interest near the end of the last series and the closer felt a bit like they were covering up all the balls ups they'd made in the last series.

That said the new series is kicking ass and they've got back a lot of the good old series 1 feel. I was thinking though that while a lot of the Heroes have cool powers (Matt Parkman can make people his bitches [if he wants], Claire Bennet can fuck herself up and live and Peter Petrelli can steal other people's powers - rock on) there must be some heroes out there with crap powers too: The woman who can smell things on television, or the man who can make bumble bees come out his arse (see what I did there with the whole PC thing - Peace Out).

I found this adult version of Stop the Pigeon on a local music forum (of all places) and it made me chuckle. It's what Byker Grove probably should have sounded like:

I'm going to have more lemsips and go back to sleep.