Wednesday 22 October 2008

Party Down and Go Fuck Yourself

The night was long and I'd been doing crack like a muthafucka. I needed to get some chill winston on so off I popped to the 24 hour hatch in Botanic to get me a jar of coffee and some bananas to smoke the skins.

I bought a stick of french bread and some grapes and cheese. It was nice to walk home twitchin like a muthafucka and pretending I was in France or some muthafucking shit. I kept hopin' some hot faff lookin' like Audrey Tautoo (woo who) or that beautiful baby who played la Mome in the film of the same title would hang out of a window and invite me up for "coffee" (he he he). I was in the middle of getting all drooled up thinking about it when some baddies stepped out of the shadows on the edge of Camden St and the leader pulled out a flick knife.

"You gonna give us yo groceries or is we gonna tussle?" he asked licking the blade. I dunno why he was talking like that cause he was some we ginger fruit from the Malone Road by the looks of him.

"BOO MUTHAFUCKA!!" I shouted at him, and him and the other baddies ran off screaming.

I went home and felt so happy about myself that I did two lines of coke and went the fuck to bed.