Monday 2 November 2009

Work is Hard Work

Sorry I haven't been around for a few weeks. My new job has been taking up a lot of my time (it and Mafia Wars).

The new job is not much to write home about (or write here about). I'm stuck in a training group of boring bastards. One fat fucker walked in on the first day and said: "Has anyone here got the last name Campbell?" this wee guy says "Aye, me," then the first tool says: "Yeow! Soupy." What a whoors bastard. It's enough to make me want to start smoking crack again.

I haven't had time to see anyone and I've been too pissed off to write this up. Was getting a job the right decision?

It gets worse, because I started after a certain date (not saying which one because I don't want anyone at work knowing I write slabbery things about them online) I won't get paid until the end of next month. Fuck that. It seems I'm going to have to go on the rob or die!