Wednesday 1 September 2010

How to Find a Job Quickly

The Punchbowl Girl was round mine last night and no I'm not going into details, other than to say that I had to find a place to hide my spandex collection because I think it's a bit early days for her to find that out. I think spandex isn't so grunge, more 80s hair metal.

                               Spandex - It's about how it feels.

This morning she had a phonecall from the agency saying that she wasn't to go into work today. I had the day off too so I took her into Belfast to cheer her up.

She says she's lucky because she's going to have enough for this month's rent so she'll have a few weeks to find a new job. She says there's an agency she can get some temp bar work with.

I like her attitude, she sounds like one of those people who can graft when they need to. Something I can't/don't do but I admire it in others.